Thursday, April 28, 2011


*google picture

urm part yang macam ni la buat aku lemah slalu...nak camne..dah dilahirkan dengan sifat suke sangat kesian kat orang. ujung-unjung orang tak pernah nak kesian kat aku..hahahaha..ape la dunia...tapi bohong la kalo tak de kan..ade..cume segelintir la..

kite ni diberi keupayaan untuk berkongsi kehidupan yang hanya pinjaman dan mempergunakan sebaik mungkin. kadang-kadang kite tak sedar yang kite menganiaya orang lain. sebab????? sebab nye kite xpernah kesian kat diri kita yang menanggung dose kelak.hehehe..macam la aku baik sangat kan..tapi tak salah ingat mengingati..

urm kerana kesian gak la aku slalu terkena...orang main-mainkan, orang tipu, orang pijak kepala, orang amik kesempatan...terukkan...KESIAN...tapi ni la adat manusia..aku dah naik lali dah...sabar dah berkoyan-koyan.
orang kate kalo sabar tu boleh susun, mau tinggi gunung everest agaknye..yelah..asik sabar jek..sabar tu separuh dari keimanan..ha..tang tu payah la..keimanan aku pon kadang-kadang goyah..aku tak reti nak dendam ke atau nak dengki-dengki dengan orang. sebab aku pon tau aku tak bagus, tak baik, tapi kurang-kurang aku tak pernah kacau orang.setahu aku la..kalo orang rase aku kacau dia tu aku pon tak tau..mintak maap jek la..

aku kesian kat diri aku ni yang selalu ade jek masalah.kadang-kadang babitkan keluarga, kawan-kawan, partner...nasib baik lom ade anak bini..kalo tak dengan diorang sekali terjebak..hehehe..masalah kan..mane penah lari dari kite manusia ni..ade jek masalah.cume cara kita settle tu yang lain-lain.alhamdulillah aku rase sepanjang tempoh pemulihan hidup aku sejak 2007, aku rasa banyak yang aku dah berubah. mungkin dah faktor umur kot..tapi pucuk pangkal hati kan...memang btol la kate orang, hijrah tu memberi satu kehidupan baru buat kite. aku rasekan keindahan hijrah tu.

aku bersyukur sebab ade mama dan ayah yang selalu ade tiap-tiap mase walau macam mane buruk pun perangai aku..adik-adik yang tetap sayang aku walau satu ketike dulu aku tak ambil berat sangat.. kawan-kawan yang kenal aku yang selalu buat aku senyum dah teruskan hidup ni dengan seadenye..
moga-moga tuhan membalas jasa semua dan golongkan semua dalam golongan syurga.amin

aku tetap dengan cara aku. aku tetap kesian kat sape-sape sebab rasa simpati tu memang dah terbina dalam jiwa ni. cuma nasihat aku KESIANKAN DIRI SENDIRI DULU BARU KESIAN ORANG LAIN YE.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


* sumber gambar dari google

DSLR...singkatan untuk term Digital Single Lense Reflex.
Sekarang ni aku tengok mane2 orang dah mampu beli dslr. dah tenggelam camera
yang kompak2 tu semua...sebab? mungkin pengaruh dari peredaran zaman dan juga
expose dari media2..benda ni tak salah..lagipun ni seni gak..seni melukis cahaye, menangkap cahaya..
cume kadang2 aku pelik bile orang senang2 letak trademark 'photography' kat nama dia..
hihih..bukan ape, orang yang otai2 pon xletak sebab nampak poyo..tapi pepun
tu hak masing2 kan..tu pendapat aku la..aku xletak sebab bukan aku otai pon
masih mentah so just jadi diri yg sebenar jela...

Kenapa orang berkecimpung dalam bidang ni? mungkin ade banyak sebab.
yang dapat aku pikir sebab nye adalah faktor minat, pengaruh rakan, duit x abis gune,
nampak point rezeki dalam bidang ni, atau sekadar mengumpul gadget.
ape pun tafsiran ye itu hak memasing kan..janji x menyusahkan dan mengaibkan sesiape..

Semakin maju teknologi tu semakin banyak benda yang kite bleh explore..aku pon baru jek jinak2
dalam arena ni. walaupun dapat pendedahan awal mase blaja kat politeknik dulu, baru 2tahun kebelakangan
ni jek aku serius dalam part photography ni. sebab nye aku pon keje memang gune bende ni
tuk capture gambar event, majlis, advertisment, dan macam2.
so aku decide la nak advance skit cabang ilmu ni dengan try masuk dunia
wedding photography. urm stakat ni alhamdulillah la banyak pahit manis aku dah tempuh
sebagai orang baru dalam arena ni. masih banyak lagi yang perlu aku belajar
dan cari pengalaman tentang bidang ni. bukan lah tuk kaya raya atau nak nama yang gah.
cume niat aku, aku nak ringankan beban cost hidup, tanggungjawab aku kepada keluarga,
bantu mama dan ayah aku, kalo boleh nak bawak diorang pegi bumi suci MEKAH.
sebab tu aku cube untuk bersungguh-sungguh dalam site ni..moga2 impian aku
tercapai insyallah.

So kepade kawan2 kat luar sane, ape pon yang kite buat, buat lah dengan niat. dari niat tu la datang nye
keberkatan dan rezeki yang halal. so keep support diri masing2 dan sesama bangsa. sebab
dunia ni kite kongsi sama2 yang hakiki tetap ALLAH SWT yang punye. peace!


Oh-kawen putera raje

Royal wedding: Prince William and England are lucky to have Kate Middleton

Sensible, steely but warm-hearted, Kate Middleton will bring a refreshing informality to the custom-bound royals, says Allison Pearson .

Royal wedding; Prince William and England are lucky to have Kate Middleton
Two portraits, one formal and one more casual, show the couple smiling and embracing after the announcement of their engagement last November 
Photo: Copyright 2010 Mario Testino
Marrying the man you love might be considered enough of a first for any woman. But on Friday at 11am, when Catherine Middleton steps into Westminster Abbey to exchange vows with Prince William, this commoner will become a true royal pioneer.
Kate will be the first royal bride to have a university degree, the first to have lived with her husband before marriage, the first to have a mother who used to be an air hostess, the first to be raised in a house that has a street number instead of a fancy name and a moat with swans. Whatever snobs may say about the suitability of the match between the middle-class Miss Middleton and the monarchy, there can be no doubt of one glorious fact: some day, she will be the first Queen of England to have fallen over at a roller disco in a pair of yellow hotpants.
It is Kate’s only serious slip-up so far. Not bad for a girl who has had to endure the longest job interview in history. Kate was 19 when, in 2001, she met William during their first term at St Andrews University. They became friends – and, eight months later, more than that. Fast forward eight years and Kate was two months away from her 29th birthday when their engagement was announced.
Eight long years in which the quiet, sporty brunette, famous at school for her record-breaking high jump and tenacious character, earned the humiliating nickname of Waity Katie. Why didn’t the art history graduate use her brain and find herself a proper job, demanded the press. Kate’s failure to get a ring on her finger became a national joke.
But, as a friend in the couple’s circle points out, to get the promotion to fiancĂ©e, Kate couldn’t risk accepting any job that made her look like she was cashing in on her boyfriend’s name: she was stuck between a hard place and a rock. And not just any rock; it was the £250,000 sapphire and diamond ring that had belonged to William’s adored late mother.
Here is a modern woman, who, like Diana, Princess of Wales, is known for her kind heart and love of dancing, wears £40 polka-dot dresses from Topshop, and found herself auditioning for a role in a cantankerous institution that still runs according to rules that would make Queen Victoria feel at ease. Only Jane Austen would have guessed that the perfect person for the role would turn out to be a Miss Catherine Middleton of Bucklebury, Berkshire.
“Kate’s not necessarily the most dynamic girl on earth, but she’s been hemmed in by not wanting to do anything wrong,” says the friend. “She is bright, artistic and a hard worker. If she hadn’t met William, she would have had a conventional career, but she’s been driven by a desire not to do anything that’s tricky for him. She never wanted to do anything that could harm William.”
Or harm her own prospects of getting her hands on the ultimate prize, some might add. The girl who at school was said to “never do anything wrong” is possessed of a steely inner resolve. “Kate isn’t interested in [social] position,” insists another royal insider, “her attitude is, 'William’s my man.’ There’s this incredible possessiveness and she was damned if she would lose him to another girl who loved him less than she does.”
Jewellery designer Claudia Bradby, who worked with Kate when she was employed as a part-time junior buyer for Jigsaw, the clothing store, and will attend the wedding, says: “Kate is straightforward, nice, composed, feminine and very English. Discreet and quiet, but with a strong sense of herself. She’s a classy girl.”
The royals have their own definition of classy. As second in line to the throne, William was expected to pick his princess from a select group of well-bred young fillies. Hot favourites included Davina Duckworth-Chad and one Isabella Amaryllis Charlotte Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe. Enough hyphens to make plain Catherine Middleton feel a little inadequate, you might think. Except that, when a friend at St Andrews told Kate how lucky she was to be going out with Prince William, a smiling Kate replied: “He’s lucky to have me.”
Her confidence is largely down to her parents, Michael, 61, and Carole, 56. Their story of rising from British Airways officer and stewardess to multi-millionaires, thanks to Carole’s mail-order Party Pieces firm, is well known. Michael – known as Mike or even “dad” by Prince William – is descended from middle-class legal stock. Carole’s parents, Ronald and Dorothy Goldsmith, a builder and sales assistant, began married life in a condemned flat in Southall.
Every family that enjoys a remarkable jump in status has an engine. For the Middletons, it was Kate’s tiny, birdlike granny. A coal miner’s granddaughter, she was known as Lady Dorothy to relatives because she was a snob who “wanted to be the top brick in the chimney”. Dorothy, who died in 2006, was fanatical about keeping up appearances and raising her children, Carole and Gary, for a better life.
With her mother’s fierce encouragement, Kate eventually blossomed. But her background remained an issue. The Middletons have been mocked for their origins and aspirations. The Prince’s friends reportedly sniggered “Doors to manual” in Kate’s presence, a cheap jibe at her mother’s career. Meanwhile, Kate and her younger, minxier sister Pippa were nicknamed the Wisteria Sisters because, as one wag put it: “They’re decorative, fragrant and have a ferocious ability to climb.”
Certainly, their rise has been so rapid they needed breathing apparatus. To go from a condemned council flat to Buckingham Palace in two generations makes Elizabeth Bennet’s bagging of Mr Darcy look like a doddle. At Edinburgh University, the vivacious Pippa ended up sharing a flat with the sons of two different dukes. Friends say Pippa, who will be her sister’s chief bridesmaid, has made no secret of wanting to “marry up”. The bar has been set high by Kate. Carole Middleton has her future son-in-law as a screensaver on her mobile phone. Just picture that cat-got-the-queen smile.
However, it’s a truth universally acknowledged that a girl with hair that long and swishy must be in possession of a Plan. “Kate has played a brilliant waiting game,” says one royal source. “Even when William dumped her in 2007, and she was terribly hurt, she acted with dignity, kept her mouth shut and didn’t bleat to the media.” Indeed, she did what any resourceful Austen heroine would do. She wore a spray-on mini-skirt, got an edible, caramel self-tan and went on the town looking like Cindy Crawford’s sexier kid sister, confident she could provoke William to see what he was missing, come back and grab it.
According to Katie Nicholl, author of The Making of a Royal Romance, “William is stubborn by nature, but Kate has this incredible ability to read how he’s feeling. If they have people over and he’s tired she knows when to wind the party up, she knows when he’s feeling claustrophobic… On the two occasions when they split up – neither of which were what Kate wanted – she knew he needed space and time. She stepped back and she gave it to him. She is intuitive, she gets William in a way no one else does.”
While William trains as a search and rescue helicopter pilot, he and Kate have been living in a remote five-room, whitewashed farmhouse on the Isle of Anglesey, lashed by a causeway to the wild, westerly tip of Wales. They prefer to get by without any domestic staff. Kate is the bossier of the two at home, but it balances out because she defers to him in public. Friends say that the couple are eager to snatch as much real life as they can before they enter the goldfish bowl for good.
“It’s good that Kate seems to lack ambition,” says one member of the royal circle. “She’s strong, not a pushover, but her job is to be two steps behind him. If someone likes being in the spotlight – well, that’s when the trouble started with Charles and Diana. The best royal marriages are when the consort keeps her head down.”
That said, Kate has already made the monarchy less custom-bound. Instead of a traditional wedding breakfast, they’re having a buffet – frightfully middle class, darling! She has insisted on doing her own make-up for the big day. The request for charity donations in lieu of wedding presents has caused heart attacks among the old guard.
And it’s hard to picture Kate, raised in such a warm family, tolerating the cold formality of the Windsors.
Much will change when the Queen dies. Kate’s family is important to her. Indeed, many believe the comforting embrace of the Middleton clan will preserve and protect Kate – and William – once she becomes royal.
The couple’s plans after the wedding may also buck convention. William’s driving ambition, says a friend, is “to stay in the military for as long as he conceivably can and not get sucked into full-time royal stuff. He’s always been keen to live life his own way, and that’s been evident in the way he’s taken so long about making this decision. They’re very determined not to make their domestic happiness a casualty of royal life.”
What everyone knows, but no one is saying out loud, is that this is one royal marriage that simply has to work. Jennie Bond, the veteran BBC Court correspondent, goes so far as to suggest that the break-up of Prince William and Catherine would be such a disaster it could herald the end of the monarchy itself.
“They took so long getting engaged because they are aware they can’t ever get a divorce,” confirms someone who has talked to William a lot. “It never crossed their minds that they would be able to split up, so the question was not, will we be married for ever, but will we be happy? They spent a long time dwelling on that.”
To understand how the Prince came to believe that Kate was the woman for the top job, you have to grasp that trust and loyalty are such huge issues for William that he tells untrue stories to friends to see if they turn up in the papers. Even before the death of his mother, William was a damaged and angry young man, acutely aware he was a prisoner of fate.
The lowest point came when William’s housemaster at Eton gave the boy special permission to watch his mother’s interview with Martin Bashir. Diana had promised him that he had nothing to worry about, but, as Katie Nicholl recalls, when Diana talked about there being “three of us” in the marriage, “William’s eyes filled with tears of fury. He could not believe his mother had invited cameras into his home, to betray his father and their family in such a public way.” He wouldn’t speak to her. He forgave her, but he could never truly forgive her. And then she died.
Until the day of their engagement, Lady Diana Spencer had to call Charles “sir.” On the night before her wedding, she was left alone in Clarence House, with supper on a tray. Diana said that walking down the aisle, she felt like “a lamb to the slaughter”.
William is determined that Kate will not be hurt as Diana was hurt. All those years when William seemed unable to commit had nothing to do with his love for Kate, and everything to do with his fears. Although Kate is, in many ways, the anti-Diana – wiser, calmer, a woman not a child – only a Windsor who had been raised by Diana’s rebellious, loving spirit could have chosen her. How fitting that the couple made an emotional pilgrimage to Diana’s grave at Althorp last week.
When Kate walks down the aisle of Westminster Abbey on Friday and into history, the ghosts of two remarkable women will be with her. The mother-in-law who taught her son to protect and love, and her grandmother Dorothy, who always did want to be the top brick in the chimney.
Kate was right all those years ago. William is lucky to have her. And so is England.
Artikel amik kat:

Ape yang aku nak kongsi adelah aku pon nak eppy macam diorang..merealisasikan cinta dan persefahaman diorg melalui ikatan perkahwinan. Hehehe..entah taun bile tah aku dapat rase keindahan alam rumah tangga ni..hehehe...umor da nak masuk angka 30sen...nak xnak kne la prepare lagi setaun dua ni...insyallah...moga-moga terbukak pintu hati aku ek...hihihi...

Oh-lencun aku..$ punye pasal

*gambar dari google

arini balik redah ujan...nak camne lom mampu bli keta....minyak mahal wo...
bayangkan naik moto je pun sehari dah RM3.00..tu kire slow2 bawak tu
tahap sipot sedot...lom masok tang makan...laok biase2 jek...sayur yg dah xcukup zat +ayam potong 14belas
kuah ikan kasi banjir + air teh o es...hambik ko RM5.00...
kalo buat muke kesian dapat la diskaun 20-30sen...

gile btol zaman sekarang ni..semua pakat naik2....ape nak jadi....hidup ni jadik lebih tekanan
atas sebab nak hidup jek...tu blom kire nak berbelanje lain, nak menabung apetah lagi..

nak salahkan goverment pon ape leh dapat ye tak??nak salahkan majikan, ujung2 dia cakpp kite bukan ade
harga sangat pon nak gaji tinggi-tinggi..ade ke patot...ish....
kalo macam ni pencambahan jenayah akan kerap belaku..logiknye bile orang nak hidup
dalam komuniti yg serba perlukan segala, maka mane yang tak mampu dan iiman xkuat akan
trus hanyut dengan godaan syaitan..ha time tu mula amik duit bawah meja (rasuah la.)..mintak 
sub-payment la..tipu quotation la....tu blom kire jual barang company..haaha tu lagi la

so kat sini sume bergantung pade kite..macam aku, xmampu pakai kereta lagi, layan la naik moto
tu janji selamat pergi dan pulang..biar orang nak kate ape kan..janji duit aku..untung-untung
dah abis bayor..geran dah full kat tangan..hehehe....ujan tu kan tak payah la yang
naik kereta tu nak kerek sangat kacip rapat pastu nak langgar lecak kasi mat moto yang
tak buat salah ape pon kat dia ni basah lencun...(aku penah kena benda macam ni banyak kali) hidup harus ade hala tuju..jimat lah dari segi apepun kalo bleh jimat
..sebab membazir pon amalan yang tak baik..
keperluan lebih mustahak dari kehendak kan...hehehe..aku kalo ade rezeki pon nak gak berkereta..tapi
buat mase ni dengan ekonomi yang xbrape nak stabil, gini jek la..yang penting bukan

Oh-no!!!! makanan harian tu...

*gambar dari google.


1) E 100           16) E 280      31) E 434        46) E 482

2) E 110           17) E 300      32) E 435        47) E 483

3) E 120           18) E 301      33) E 436        48) E 491

4) E 140           19) E 325      34) E 440        49) E 492

5) E 141           20) E 326      35) E 441        50) E 493

6)E 153            21) E 327      36) E 470        51) E 494

7) E 160           22) E 334      37) E 471        52) E 495

8) E 161           23) E 335      38) E 472        53) E 542

9) E 210           24) E 336      39) E 473        54) E 570

10) E 213         25) E 337      40) E 474        55) E 572

11) E 214         26) E 422      41) E 475        56) E 631

12) E 216         27) E 430      42) E 476        57) E 635

13) E 234         28) E 431      43) E 477        58) E 904

14) E 252        29)  E 432      44) E 478        59) E 920

15) E 270        30) E 433       45) E 481

Yg jelas nye...pringles pun ader gak lemak menatang ni...kl xcaya tgk ader E471 kt ingredients nya tu......

Read more:

longan says:
April 9, 2011 at 6:28 pm
Baru ditemui. Tidak pasti betul atau tidak. Hanya copy paste.

> 1. Minyak Masak LAM SOON ( Cap Helang & Buruh )
> 2. Ubat Pearl Cream Arche ( Thailand )
> 3. Ajinomoto ( Thailand )
> 4. Ais Krim Harga RM1.00 ke atas
> 5. Semua tauhu buatan Orang Cina
> 6. Sabun LUX & Lotion Badan Buatan Malaysia , USA , & Thailand
> 7. Sabun FAB berbuku
> 8. Lobak Jeruk
> 9. Mee & Kueteow basah ( buatan Cina)
> 10. Krim Muka Hazeline Snow

> 1. Semua Jenis Serbuk Mee Segera Terutama Maggi
> 2. Pucuk , Kulit Popia, Fish Cake & Bebola Ikan buatan Orang Cina
> 3. Daging Burger Import
> 4.. Sardin, Kari Ayam dlm tin & Yong Taufu buatan Orang Cina
> 5. Kasut Bola Jenis ‘ Gold Cup’
> 6. Berus Gigi Jenis ‘ Reach’
> 7. Mee Kering ( sanggol ) 15.Mee Rebus Tulang&Kiub Perasa Ayam
> 8. Semua sabun mandi yang diimport
> 9. Ajinomoto kecuali keluaran Kilang Lot 5710 Jalan Kuchai Lama KL
> 10. Semua jenis shampoo kecuali keluaran Orang Islam
> 11. Have Pearl Cream
> 12. Ramuan Kentucky Fried Chicken & Mc Donald
> 13. Ubat Kurap buatan Org Cina
> 14.. Beehon Segera Siam
> 16. Sabun Mandi Yang Berminyak

> 1. Bosset Wine Gum
> 2. Dairy Milk Coklat
> 3. Coklat Cadbury/ Chewing Gum
> 4. Sugus Strawberry
> 5. Passer Doily Mixture
> 6. Trebo Mint Chewing Gum/ Peppermint
> 7. Scothes Vikmin
> 8. Share Extra Atrenght
> 9. Black Current Jelly
> 10. Royal Gulaman & Decart Oranges
> 11. Valvis Gelatin
> 12. Sarung Kapsul Ubat
> 13. Ais Krim dalam bekas plastik
> 14. Gula-gula Fruities
> 15 Cake Mets Vilber Punch
> 16 Coklat Cake
> 17 Tepung Kastard Lady’s Choice
> 18 Semua jenis Jelly
> 19 Semua jenis gincu bibir
> 20 Keseluruhan Jenis Sheisedo

Kami dalam keresahan memohon ampun dan maaf terlewat memberutahu perkara di atas. Pastikan Pakaian anda tidak terkena bahan-bahan diatas terutama pakaian sembahyang. TOLONG CETAK DAN EDARKAN RISALAH INI KPD SEMUA SAUDARA ISLAM KITA.
Confirm – Pringles Potato Chips – tidak HALAL !!
Ref. Message: Pringles Potato Chips

Looks like you have to find another alternative to munch.
Just to let you and gang know…….. I have checked. It’s true that the chips contain Emulsifier.

Dr Safurah Hj Jaafar ;
Principal Assistant Director;
Ministry of Health , Malaysia ;
Tel: 03-2540088.
1 Lady’s Choice Jelly

Seni Akidah Songsang.

Seni jalanan yang berhaluan sendiri dan punya motif dan pengaruh sendiri.
Ia juga dianggap sebagai gejala sub budaye yang mempengaruhi sosiologi anak-anak muda.
Kini dah menjadi satu kelaziman di dinding kotaraya yg metropolitan ni akan
ade tagging dan art graffiti..sama ada untuk merealisasikan idea dan kemahiran atau ideologi

Ape yg aku nak cite adelah gambo ni aku snap kat depan mall aku..mase tu aku tengah amik gmbo tuk persepctive view nak guna dalam design aku. mula2 aku xendah sangat sbb benda ni da naik
jemu dah aku tengok selalu..lagipun ade art graffiti yg aku suke..cume yg ni btol2 bukak mata aku..
aku xla baik dan xala aku tau setiap benda dibuat mesti ade sebab dan tujuan..

mula2 tengok kat wall tu aku nampak la graffiti si artis jalanan ni buat...pastu siap ade icon
comel2 dalam iklan nippon paint...lawo la gak..hehehe..

pastu aku tengok kat tiang plak..aku trus tekejut...ish..YA ALLAH!..
perasan atau tak mmg contengan tu nama ALLAH SWT dlm tulisan jawi yang di terbalikkan...
tengok macam AMI dia tulis...tapi aku ni xla bodo..leh jelas tu nama ALLAH..subhanallah..
siap ade logo nazi tuh...songsang! memang macam haram la diorg ni...
dah terpesong akidah jaoh ni...klo lain bangsa yg buat pun aku marah gak sebab ni
da masuk soal sensitiviti agama dan ketuhanan...bodo btol!

pastu kat tiang kedua ade lagi tp tag yg berlainan..
kalini jelas word nye ZION..siap ade bintang yahudi lagi....ish....ape dah jadi kat masyarakat kite ni...
makin lama makin xtakut dengan kuase yg esa....nak jadi ape?????
orang2 macam ni la yg patot dok dalam lokap ke gi rejam sampai mati ke...buat rosak
masyarakat, buat songsang pahaman...xde agama kerrr!!!!!!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh teh o..

hahaha...haih..lame xberblogging..yela bukan pandai sangat pon...setakat borak2 ckp bukan2 boleh a...hehehe..input xde pon....
arini xtau nak buat ape..aku re-new lame da expired..hahaha..dah xterurus sbb abiskan banyak masa kat benda tetap nak berblogging gak..hehehe..musim bukan nak kaya lah..xreti nak nuffnang2 tu sume....hanya tuk tulis2..hehe..mcm dairi...kelassssss...k la..lapo..nak gi makan..calo...